GDPR Essentials
An online 3-module bundle designed to raise awareness of the General Data Protection Regulation. Each module can also be purchased individually.
About Course
The course gives an overview of the GDPR, Data Breaches and Subject Access Requests and Data Security. It informs participants of the responsibilities of the employer and the employee under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. The data protection principles and the legal basis for processing data are explored.
The concept of Data Security is introduced and participants are taken through common workplace data security issues such as passwords, emails, internet and physical security as a means of raising awareness of participants when dealing with real-life situations. This training course also identifies different types of data breaches and appropriate preventative measures.
To be accountable with the GDPR, businesses should train their staff every year and ensure they maintain records of this training. Your staff are your biggest asset but could also bring a potential security threat or breach the GDPR and not know.
Businesses must ensure they are taking a considered approach to data security and train all employees. Even if a business has appropriate organization and security measures in place their employees could accidently bring a potential data security or accidently ignore a subject access request.
GDPR needs to be consistent and not treated as a once off project. Your business needs to stay up to speed with annual training and ensure your business knows how GDPR will impact your employees and your customers. Fines can be imposed therefore your business needs to assess the cost of implementation versus a potential fine.
Completion of the course will provide employees with the knowledge, skills and competence to maintain good GDPR practices in the workplace.
Who is this training course intended for?
This course is designed for any person that needs to be GDPR compliant from Sole Traders to SMEs to Corporate Businesses.
This course is suited for employees with no previous GDPR training as well as for employees who have had GDPR training and require a refresher to be GDPR compliant.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Identify and recognize personal data
- Explain Data Protection Principles and the Legal Grounds for Processing
- Recognise Controller and Processor responsibilities
- Outline best practices for Password, Email, Web and physical security
- Describe what is a data breach and types of data breaches
Course Content
Module 1: GDPR Introduction
- GDPR Refresher
- What is Personal Data
- What has Changed
- Enhanced Rights of Individuals
- Data Protection Principles
- Legal Basis for Processing Data
- Demonstrating Accountability
- Data Mapping
Module 2: Data Security under the GDPR
- What does the GDPR say about Data Security
- What is Personal Data and Do I Process it
- Password and Email Security
- Employee Responsibilities
- Social Engineering, Phishing and Ransomware
- Internet and Physical Security
- Next Steps
Module 3: Data Breaches & Access Requests
- Preventative Measures
- Basic Data Security Principles
- Data Breach Defined under GDPR
- Types of Data Breaches
- Personal Data Breach Management – Controller & Processor responsibilities
Course Delivery Method
This course is delivered online and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. You do not have to complete the course in one sitting and can pause, and come back to the course content at a later stage, as you see fit.
There will be an exam at the end of the course, you will need to reach a mark of 80% or more to receive a certificate of completion.